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pro take: forget the sec, international climate reporting standards could become the global baseline

By lucidcapitalism | June 26, 2023

(WSJ) New international sustainability reporting standards could fulfill their ambition in becoming the global baseline as the advantages of using a single standard worldwide may, for many companies, outweigh the disadvantages of being more demanding than the SEC’s coming climate reporting rules. On Monday, the International Sustainability Standards Board released its initial two reporting standards. The…

Calpers Scrutinizes Blackstone Portfolio Practices Over Child Labor Fine

By lucidcapitalism | June 22, 2023

(WSJ) California Public Employees’ Retirement System ratcheted up its scrutiny of private-equity manager Blackstone in the wake of a child labor scandal at a company the firm owns.   During a Tuesday investment committee meeting, Anton Orlich, managing investment director for private equity, said Calpers had demanded that representatives of Blackstone come to the pension’s Sacramento headquarters…

get a clue, says panel about buzzy ai tech: it’s being ‘deployed as surveillance’

By lucidcapitalism | June 22, 2023

(TechCrunch) Earlier today at a Bloomberg conference in San Francisco, some of the biggest names in AI turned up, including, briefly, Sam Altman of OpenAI, who just ended his two-month world tour, and Stability AI founder Emad Mostaque. Still, one of the most compelling conversations happened later in the afternoon, in a panel discussion about…

shares of startups are turning dirt cheap, attracting venture funds

By lucidcapitalism | June 22, 2023

(Bloomberg) It’s a bargain-hunter’s dream, and for sellers it’s sometimes the only good option left. Secondary markets — where backers of closely held startups can sell their stakes to other investors — are drawing increasing interest from venture capital funds and other money managers seeking to snap up chunks of private companies on the cheap.…

saving capitalism from the culture wars

By lucidcapitalism | June 21, 2023

(Financial Times) Advocates of more environmentally and socially responsible models of capitalism have had the upper hand in recent years. In the US, however, they have run into a serious backlash: red-state politicians have sought to blacklist banks and asset managers they deem to be boycotting fossil fuels, brands including Bud Light and Target are…

AI Is a Lot of Work

By lucidcapitalism | June 20, 2023

(The Verge) A few months after graduating from college in Nairobi, a 30-year-old I’ll call Joe got a job as an annotator — the tedious work of processing the raw information used to train artificial intelligence. AI learns by finding patterns in enormous quantities of data, but first that data has to be sorted and tagged…

AI Is a Lot of Work

By lucidcapitalism | June 20, 2023

(The Verge) A few months after graduating from college in Nairobi, a 30-year-old I’ll call Joe got a job as an annotator — the tedious work of processing the raw information used to train artificial intelligence. AI learns by finding patterns in enormous quantities of data, but first that data has to be sorted and tagged…

what happens to the smaller vc firms in a more conservative market?

By lucidcapitalism | June 19, 2023

(TechCrunch) Smaller venture funds are finding a way to manage in the midst of a conservative market. As with all bear markets, the appetite for risk drops, and although emerging fund managers are often noted to outperform their more established counterparts, some limited partners are weary of bringing on new venture partners. Instead, they retreat to…

europeans take a major step toward regulating a.i.

By lucidcapitalism | June 14, 2023

(NYT) The European Union took an important step on Wednesday toward passing what would be one of the first major laws to regulate artificial intelligence, a potential model for policymakers around the world as they grapple with how to put guardrails on the rapidly developing technology. The European Parliament, a main legislative branch of the…

a greenwashing lawsuit against delta aims to set a precedent

By lucidcapitalism | June 13, 2023

(Bloomberg) As tranquil instrumental music plays over gauzy images of nature, a woman’s voice-over begins. “Isn’t it a paradox,” she wonders aloud, “that the love for this world that gets us out in it, sometimes leaves behind the things that can harm it? Flight by flight, we broaden our views. We gain new perspectives. And…