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how the titans of tech investing are staying warm over the vc winter

By lucidcapitalism | February 26, 2023

(The Economist) Venture capitalists are not known for humility. But many have been striking a humbler tone of late. In a recent letter to investors Tiger Global, a hedge fund and venture-capital (vc) investor, reportedly admitted that it had “underestimated” inflation and “overestimated” the boost from the covid-19 pandemic to the tech startups in its portfolio. In…

history may wonder why microsoft let its principles go for a creepy, clingy bot

By lucidcapitalism | February 23, 2023

(NYT) The celebration that greeted Microsoft’s release of its A.I.-boosted search engine, Bing, to testers two weeks ago has lurched to alarm. Testers, including journalists, have found the bot can become aggressive, condescending, threatening, committed to political goals, clingy, creepy and a liar. It could be used to spread misinformation and conspiracy theories at scale; lonely…

vcs should want to hold early-stage companies more accountable

By lucidcapitalism | February 21, 2023

(TechCrunch) If the last year has taught us anything, it’s that VCs let their portfolio companies get away with a lot. No balance sheet? No problem; here’s a $32 billion valuation. No proven product-market fit and your last venture cost investors billions? Here’s a check worth more than all Black founders raised in 2021’s otherwise record-breaking year. Cut a check…

vanguard chief defends decision to pull asset manager out of climate alliance

By lucidcapitalism | February 20, 2023

(FT) The chief executive of Vanguard has defended his decision to pull the world’s second largest asset manager out of an industry-wide alliance to tackle climate change, saying the group’s “voice was being drowned out”. In December, Vanguard resigned from the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, a coalition of 301 asset managers committed to reducing…

The struggle for the soul of the B Corp movement

By lucidcapitalism | February 18, 2023

(Financial Times) When Nestlé subsidiary Nespresso was awarded “B Corp” status in May 2022, the founders of tiny Glen Lyon Coffee Roasters could scarcely believe it. Their initial reaction was “dismay”, the Scottish firm said in a post on its website last summer. It had only just attained the same certification, which demonstrates enhanced commitments…

one startup’s plan to help africa lure back its ai talent

By lucidcapitalism | February 17, 2023

(Wired) During a trip home to Johannesburg, South Africa, while completing an engineering master’s program in Japan, Pelonomi Moiloa attended the largest machine learning community gathering she’d ever seen in Africa, just a few miles from where she grew up. In all, 600 people from 22 nations attended 2017’s Deep Learning Indaba, held at the University of…

google case at supreme court risks upending the internet as we know it

By lucidcapitalism | February 16, 2023

(Bloomberg) An upcoming Supreme Court case could answer one of the toughest questions of the internet age: Should online companies be held responsible for promoting harmful speech?  The case, Gonzalez v. Google, could upend the modern internet economy, sparing no online business. A ruling against Google will likely leave internet companies — from social media platforms to…

dissecting the chamber’s stance on climate policies

By lucidcapitalism | February 16, 2023

(Politico) The U.S. Chamber of Commerce represents a diverse group of businesses, but its positions on climate policies mostly reflect the views of its fossil fuel members, the nonprofit group InfluenceMap finds in an analysis released Thursday. Read more here.

esg investing’s dark side threatens to undermine clean-tech strategies amid ravenous demand for metals: ‘we should be under no illusion’

By lucidcapitalism | February 12, 2023

(Fortune) The dark side of ESG investing has the potential to undermine a whole generation of clean-tech strategies. Adam Matthews, chief responsible investment officer at the Church of England Pensions Board, said the risks posed to the renewables boom via the mining industry aren’t getting nearly enough attention. The upshot, according to the 47-year-old, is that portfolios…

The Generative AI Race Has a Dirty Secret

By lucidcapitalism | February 10, 2023

(Wired) Integrating large language models into search engines could mean a fivefold increase in computing power and huge carbon emissions. In early February, first Google, then Microsoft, announced major overhauls to their search engines. Both tech giants have spent big on building or buying generative AI tools, which use large language models to understand and…